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I'm currently teaching International Agricultural Trade (450/596) and Intermediate Microeconomics (303) at the Department of Agricultural Economics at Purdue University. 

Previously, I have taught Data Analysis with R for Agricultural Economists (University of Goettingen), Micro- and Resource Economics (University of Goettingen), International Trade (Kiel University) and Microeconomics (Kiel University).


International Agricultural Trade

AGEC 4500/59600, Purdue University

This course introduces final-year undergraduates to international economics, trade theory and trade policy, with a strong focus on agriculture.  The course also has a track for master students.

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Intermediate Microeconomics

AGEC 303, Purdue University

This course develops advanced microeconomic models of consumer and producer choice. All theory is derived from mathematical first principles and relies heavily on applications of calculus, with motivating examples and case studies drawn from topics in agricultural and resource economics. 



Data Analysis for Agricultural Economists

University of Goettingen, 2018-2022

An introduction to data science, programming and econometrics applied to problems in agricultural economics. Compulsory elective for Development Economics and Agricultural Economics MA students and PhD students. Prerequisites are graduate level econometrics and statistics

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